Vision – We endeavor to have a variety of programs for all ages and abilities, with the opportunity for every player to choose a program that best suits their development, maximizing their experience.
Mission – To offer players a formula, and a chance of playing soccer near home, using a new methodology, to govern, and promote the development of character, and integrity. Enjoyable learning and being part of a team.
Aim and Objectives – To continue to evolve our approach to coach education, so that all players have equal access to quality coaching, that will attract players and guests globally to play in our local, national, and international events.
We will continue to foster an enjoyable soccer experience for our community and guests alike, accepting and embracing the challenge and responsibility of teaching soccer, as well as life skill lessons to all our athletes, providing them robust opportunities and a challenging environment for them to develop their potential. We create a fun and positive sporting environment that provides our community, an opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and socially through the sports activities, we organize. “Give the kids and young people the opportunity to test their own capability as leaders and provide them with an early responsibility without them looking over their shoulders too much”. We unite sports and peace development – we use sports for peace and development. Sport is a powerful tool to promote peace, tolerance and understanding, bringing people together across boundaries, cultures and religions. Its intrinsic values such as teamwork, fairness, discipline and respect are understood all over the world and can be utilized in the advancement of solidarity and social cohesion. We provide young people with the responsibility to govern and develop a rich soccer environment by themselves in Vancouver. CEO of GLNS I’m by no means afraid to criticize some sports clubs, and parents, for not providing their children with enough challenges from which they can learn and grow. I use the story to stress and underline how important it is to give young people their responsible position within the sports and club environment. Developing counties cliché a lot about the “Young leaders of tomorrow”, at GLNS we see the young leaders of today”. Harembeecouver Cup is a, initiative to promote Arts culture, democracy/social justice, transparency, and freedom of expression in the world of Sports